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P.B.I.S. Team

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Our Mission


During the 2018-2019 school year, the PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) Committee is promoting a culture of high expectations for all students by establishing partnerships with families to support students' progress towards college and career readiness by aligning our work with our school-wide instructional focus at Intermediate School 61, the Framework for Great Schools, Quality Review Indicators, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. 


The main focus of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors at William A. Morris Intermediate School 61. An emphasis on school-wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments.  Positive behavior support for all students within our school is implemented in areas including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, buses, cafeteria, and restrooms).


Attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve lifestyle results for all children and youth by making targeted behaviors less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional.

While many faculty and students may have assumptions of what is expected behavior, we cannot assume that everyone’s beliefs are similar. Through PBIS, we work to create and maintain a productive, safe environment in which all school community members have clear expectations and understandings of their role in the educational process.




  • PBIS is prevention

  • PBIS defines and teaches positive social expectations

  • PBIS acknowledges positive behavior

  • PBIS arranges consistent consequences for problem behavior

  • PBIS provides on-going collection and use of data for decision making

  • PBIS provides continuum of intensive, individual intervention supports

  • PBIS implements the systems that support effective practices


Our Expectations

Behavior expectations are defined.  A small number of clearly defined behavioral expectations are defined in positive, simple, rules. William A. Morris Intermediate School 61 Code of Conduct is:


  • Achieve

  • Respect

  • Empower


"Morris Money" is earned by students when they have demonstrated these positive behaviors in the School Wide Matrix.



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